Lord, We Come With Hearts Aflame
3 stanzas with no Refrain
Lord, we come with hearts aflame,
Seeking service in Thy name;
All our youth and strength are Thine,
Given to help Thy work divine;
All our love and faith we bring,
They are Thine, O heavenly King.
Lord of hosts, we ask Thine aid,
Keep us ever unafraid;
Hold us loyal, hold us true
To the task we have to do;
Lead us on to victory,
We shall triumph praising Thee.
Lord of all, we take our stand,
Giving help at Thy command;
Eager, joyful, blithe, and strong,
Thrilled with love and filled with song;
Lord, we come with hearts aflame,
Seeking service in Thy name.

3 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

Lord, we come with hearts aflame,
Seeking service in Thy name;
All our youth and strength are Thine,
Given to help Thy work divine;
All our love and faith we bring,
They are Thine, O heavenly King.

Lord of hosts, we ask Thine aid,
Keep us ever unafraid;
Hold us loyal, hold us true
To the task we have to do;
Lead us on to victory,
We shall triumph praising Thee.

Lord of all, we take our stand,
Giving help at Thy command;
Eager, joyful, blithe, and strong,
Thrilled with love and filled with song;
Lord, we come with hearts aflame,
Seeking service in Thy name.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Berton Braley (1882 - ) Words copyrightsby Berton Braley. Edward J. Hopkins, 1872   
  • SDAH