Harvest Is Passing
Refrain  [1]  [2]  [3] 
Harvest is passing, night draweth nigh;
Millions are dying, oh, hear their cry!
Then haste, my brother, their souls to save;
Christ to redeem them his life blood gave.
Millions are living in night's dense darkness,
No light to cheer them, no hope nor gladness,
Bowed down and burdened, with none to save,
And death awaits them beyond the grave.
Earnest entreaties to gods that hear not,
To idols bowing, Long years have they sought,
But no one answers their anguished plea,
Doomed they pass onward to eternity.
To save, to rescue the lost, the dying,
Your all to Christ give, nothing denying;
His voice is calling, quickly obey,
And do His bidding while it is day.

Millions are living in night's dense darkness,
No light to cheer them, no hope nor gladness,
Bowed down and burdened, with none to save,
And death awaits them beyond the grave.

Harvest is passing, night draweth nigh;
Millions are dying, oh, hear their cry!
Then haste, my brother, their souls to save;
Christ to redeem them his life blood gave.

Earnest entreaties to gods that hear not,
To idols bowing, Long years have they sought,
But no one answers their anguished plea,
Doomed they pass onward to eternity.

To save, to rescue the lost, the dying,
Your all to Christ give, nothing denying;
His voice is calling, quickly obey,
And do His bidding while it is day.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the t-weight: of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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   Melvin L. Hodges    
  • SDAH