Holy Spirit, Lamp of Light
5 stanzas with no Refrain
Holy Spirit, lamp of light,
Shine upon our nature's night;
Give Thy blessed inward sight,
Comforter divine!
We are sinful; cleanse us, Lord;
We are faint; Thy strength afford;
Lost-until by Thee restored,
Comforter divine!
Like the dew, Thy peace distill;
Guide, subdue our wayward will,
Thingsiles. May unfolding still,
Comforter divine!
In us "Abba, Father," cry
Earnest of our rest on high,
Hope of immortality,
Comforter divine!
Search for us the depths of God;
Bear us up the starry road
To the height of Thine abode,
Comforter divine!

5 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

Holy Spirit, lamp of light,
Shine upon our nature's night;
Give Thy blessed inward sight,
Comforter divine!

We are sinful; cleanse us, Lord;
We are faint; Thy strength afford;
Lost-until by Thee restored,
Comforter divine!

Like the dew, Thy peace distill;
Guide, subdue our wayward will,
Thingsiles. May unfolding still,
Comforter divine!

In us "Abba, Father," cry
Earnest of our rest on high,
Hope of immortality,
Comforter divine!

Search for us the depths of God;
Bear us up the starry road
To the height of Thine abode,
Comforter divine!

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   George Rawson Copyright, 1886, by Edwin Barnes Edwin Barnes   
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