Let Thy Spirit, Blessed Saviour
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Let Thy Spirit, blessed Saviour,
Come and bid our doubtings cease;
Come, O, come with love and favor,
Fill us all with joy and peace.
"Fearful dangers are around us,
Satan watches to destroy;
Lord, our foes would fain confound us;
O, for us Thy might employ!
On Thy word our souls are resting;
Taught by Thee, Thy name we love;
Sweetest of all names is Jesus;
How it doth our spirits move!
Let us not, O Lord, be weary
Of the roughness of the way;
Though the road be often dreary,
Thou shalt drive our gloom away.

Let Thy Spirit, blessed Saviour,
Come and bid our doubtings cease;
Come, O, come with love and favor,
Fill us all with joy and peace.

"Fearful dangers are around us,
Satan watches to destroy;
Lord, our foes would fain confound us;
O, for us Thy might employ!

On Thy word our souls are resting;
Taught by Thee, Thy name we love;
Sweetest of all names is Jesus;
How it doth our spirits move!

Let us not, O Lord, be weary
Of the roughness of the way;
Though the road be often dreary,
Thou shalt drive our gloom away.

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   Anonymous D. E. Jones, 1851   
  • SDAH