He's Coming Once Again
3 stanzas with no Refrain
He's coming once again,
To set His people free;
That where He is, in glory bright,
His saints may also be.
Then lift the drooping head,
Look up, rejoice and sing;
He comes, in majesty sublime,
Salvation's glorious King!

The earth shall quake with fear,
The heavens shall flee away;
And where shall guilty man appear
In that tremendous day?
No refuge then is nigh,
No shelter from the blast;
The night of vengeance veils the sky
When mercy's day is past.

H is eyes of living flame
The wicked shall devour;
No tongue will lightly speak the name
Of Jesus in that hour.
No scorn, no words of hate
For His meek followers then;
But prayers and tears that come too late
Will mark earth's mighty men.

3 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

He's coming once again,
To set His people free;
That where He is, in glory bright,
His saints may also be.
Then lift the drooping head,
Look up, rejoice and sing;
He comes, in majesty sublime,
Salvation's glorious King!

The earth shall quake with fear,
The heavens shall flee away;
And where shall guilty man appear
In that tremendous day?
No refuge then is nigh,
No shelter from the blast;
The night of vengeance veils the sky
When mercy's day is past.

H is eyes of living flame
The wicked shall devour;
No tongue will lightly speak the name
Of Jesus in that hour.
No scorn, no words of hate
For His meek followers then;
But prayers and tears that come too late
Will mark earth's mighty men.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   F. E. Belden, 1886 Copyright, 1886, by F. E. Belden F. E. Belden, 1886   
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