In The Sun, And Moon, And Stars
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In the sun, and moon, and stars,
Signs and wonders have appeared;
Earth has groaned with bloody wars,
And the hearts of men have feared.
Soon shall ocean's hoary deep,
Tossed with stronger tempests, rise;
Darker storms the mountains sweep,
Fiercer lightnings rend the skies.
Dread alarms shall shake the proud,
Pale amazement, restless fear;
And amid the thundercloud
Shall the Judge of men appear.
But, though from His awful face,
Heaven shall fade, and earth shall fly,
Fear not, ye, His chosen race,
Your redemption draweth nigh.

In the sun, and moon, and stars,
Signs and wonders have appeared;
Earth has groaned with bloody wars,
And the hearts of men have feared.

Soon shall ocean's hoary deep,
Tossed with stronger tempests, rise;
Darker storms the mountains sweep,
Fiercer lightnings rend the skies.

Dread alarms shall shake the proud,
Pale amazement, restless fear;
And amid the thundercloud
Shall the Judge of men appear.

But, though from His awful face,
Heaven shall fade, and earth shall fly,
Fear not, ye, His chosen race,
Your redemption draweth nigh.

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   Reginald Heber (1783-1826) J. A. Freylinghausen, 1705   
  • SDAH