Fresh Anointing
Refrain  [1]  [2]  [3] 
Fresh anointing, a fresh anointing,
Holy Spirit, breathe on me,
For I need a new empowering
In my life to be used more for Thee.
Lord, I want to live so close to Thee
That I'll know Your will and plan for me,
Just to have Your blessing
On the things I do and Your strength in
Each trial to stay true.
Lead me, Lord, to those who need Your love
And protect me by Your precious blood;
In the darkest hour, my Jesus, send Your light,
For Thy Word in its power
Can pierce the night.
Fresh anointing, a fresh anointing,
Holy Spirit, breathe on me,
For I need a new empow'ring
In my life to be used more for Thee.

Lord, I want to live so close to Thee
That I'll know Your will and plan for me,
Just to have Your blessing
On the things I do and Your strength in
Each trial to stay true.

Fresh anointing, a fresh anointing,
Holy Spirit, breathe on me,
For I need a new empowering
In my life to be used more for Thee.

Lead me, Lord, to those who need Your love
And protect me by Your precious blood;
In the darkest hour, my Jesus, send Your light,
For Thy Word in its power
Can pierce the night.

Fresh anointing, a fresh anointing,
Holy Spirit, breathe on me,
For I need a new empow'ring
In my life to be used more for Thee.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the t-weight: of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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