Beyond The Starry Skies
Jenkins  S.M.D.
3 stanzas with no Refrain
Beyond the starry skies,
Far as th' eternal hills,
There in the soundless world of light
Our great Redeemer dwells.
Around Him angels fair
In countless armies shine;
And ever, in exalted lays,
They offer songs divine.

"Hail, Prince of life'" they cry,
"Whose unexampled love
Moved Thee to quit these glorious realms
And royalties above."
And when He stooped to earth,
And suffered rude disdain,
They cast their honors at His feet,
And waited in His train.

They saw Him on the cross,
While darkness veiled the skies;
And when He burst the gates of death,
They saw the Conqueror rise.
They thronged His chariot wheels,
And bore Him to His throne;
Then swept their golden harps and sang,
"That glorious work is done.

3 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

Beyond the starry skies,
Far as th' eternal hills,
There in the soundless world of light
Our great Redeemer dwells.
Around Him angels fair
In countless armies shine;
And ever, in exalted lays,
They offer songs divine.

"Hail, Prince of life'" they cry,
"Whose unexampled love
Moved Thee to quit these glorious realms
And royalties above."
And when He stooped to earth,
And suffered rude disdain,
They cast their honors at His feet,
And waited in His train.

They saw Him on the cross,
While darkness veiled the skies;
And when He burst the gates of death,
They saw the Conqueror rise.
They thronged His chariot wheels,
And bore Him to His throne;
Then swept their golden harps and sang,
"That glorious work is done."

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Daniel Turner Copyright, 1940, by Review & Herald Publishing Assn. Herald A. Miller, 1939   
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