Constantly Abiding
Refrain  [1]  [2]  [3] 
Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine;
Constantly abiding, rapture divine;
He never leaves me lonely,
Whispers, O so kind:
"I will never leave thee,"
Jesus is mine.
There's a peace in my heart
That the world never gave,
A peace it can not take away;
Tho' the trials of life
May surround like a cloud,
I've a peace that has come there to stay!
All the world seemed to sing
Of a Savior and King
When peace sweetly came to my heart;
Troubles all fled away
And my night turned to day;
Blessed Jesus, how glorious Thou art!
This treasure I have
In a temple of clay,
While here on His footstool I roam;
But He's coming to take me
Some glorious day,
Over there to my heavenly home!

There's a peace in my heart
That the world never gave,
A peace it can not take away;
Tho' the trials of life
May surround like a cloud,
I've a peace that has come there to stay!

Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine;
Constantly abiding, rapture divine;
He never leaves me lonely,
Whispers, O so kind:
"I will never leave thee,"
Jesus is mine.

All the world seemed to sing
Of a Savior and King
When peace sweetly came to my heart;
Troubles all fled away
And my night turned to day;
Blessed Jesus, how glorious Thou art!

This treasure I have
In a temple of clay,
While here on His footstool I roam;
But He's coming to take me
Some glorious day,
Over there to my heavenly home!

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the t-weight: of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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   Anne S. Murphy    
  • SDAH