The Hidden Years At Nazareth
3 stanzas with no Refrain
The hidden years at Nazareth!
How beautiful they seem,
Like fountains flowing in the dark
Or waters in a dream!
Like waters under Syrian stars
Reflecting lights above.
Repeating in their silent depths
The wonder of God's love.

The hidden years at Nazareth!
How marvelous they lie,
As open to the smile of God
As to the Syrian sky!
As open to the heart of man
As to the genial sun,
With dreams of high adventuring,
And deeds of kindness done.

The hidden years at Nazareth!
How radiant they rise
With life and death in balance laid
Before a lad's clear eyes!
O soul of youth, forever choose,
Forgetting fate or fear,
To live for truth, or die with God,
Who stands beside thee there.

3 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyrightspermission not yet secured.

The hidden years at Nazareth!
How beautiful they seem,
Like fountains flowing in the dark
Or waters in a dream!
Like waters under Syrian stars
Reflecting lights above.
Repeating in their silent depths
The wonder of God's love.

The hidden years at Nazareth!
How marvelous they lie,
As open to the smile of God
As to the Syrian sky!
As open to the heart of man
As to the genial sun,
With dreams of high adventuring,
And deeds of kindness done.

The hidden years at Nazareth!
How radiant they rise
With life and death in balance laid
Before a lad's clear eyes!
O soul of youth, forever choose,
Forgetting fate or fear,
To live for truth, or die with God,
Who stands beside thee there.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyrightsof their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Allen Eastman Cross, 1927 From the Abingdon Hymnal edited by Earl Enyeart Harper.
Copyrights1928. Byspermission The Abingdon Press.
Harry L. Harts, 1927   
  • SDAH