Wornderful Counselor
Mighty God, Son of God, Jesus
Name above all other names, Jesus
Glorify, magnify, Jesus
Mighty God, Son of God, Jesus
Everlasting Father, Jesus,
Holy and unchangeable, Jesus
Fill my with Your presence, Jesus
Everlasting Father, Jesus.
Prince of Peace, rule my heart, Jesus.
Know my every anxious thoughts, Jesus,
Calm my fears, dry my tears, Jesus,
Prince of Peace, rule my heart, Jesus.

Wonderful Counselor, Jesus.
Search me, know me, Jesus.
Lead me guide me, Jesus,
Wonderful Counselor, Jesus.

Mighty God, Son of God, Jesus
Name above all other names, Jesus
Glorify, magnify, Jesus
Mighty God, Son of God, Jesus

Everlasting Father, Jesus,
Holy and unchangeable, Jesus
Fill my with Your presence, Jesus
Everlasting Father, Jesus.

Prince of Peace, rule my heart, Jesus.
Know my every anxious thoughts, Jesus,
Calm my fears, dry my tears, Jesus,
Prince of Peace, rule my heart, Jesus.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Bill Yarger
© 1983 Maranatha! Music. All rights reserved.   
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