You Are My Wholeness
You, You are my wholness.
You are my completeness.
My soul, my thirsty soul,
Can rest in the depths of Your love.
In You I find friendship.
Yes your love is so free of demand.
Though I must hurt You so,
You keep letting me go
To discover the person I am.
Like a Father, You long to protect me.
Yet You know I must learn on my own.
Well, I've made my own choice
To follow Your voice.
Guiding me back to my home.

In You I find forgiveness.
Yes, in You I find release.
It's a wonderful You take
All the blunders I make
And so graciously offer me peace.

You, You are my wholness.
You are my completeness.
My soul, my thirsty soul,
Can rest in the depths of Your love.

In You I find friendship.
Yes your love is so free of demand.
Though I must hurt You so,
You keep letting me go
To discover the person I am.

Like a Father, You long to protect me.
Yet You know I must learn on my own.
Well, I've made my own choice
To follow Your voice.
Guiding me back to my home.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Ray Salmond & Mike Mulder
© 1980 Image VII Music. All rights reserved.   
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