Come Away
Can you hear the Spirit calling "come away"?
Come away, come away, come and spend
Some time with Me, come away.
Let your heart and mind be stilled,
Let your empty cup be filled.
Come and spend some time with Me, come away.
Are you sinking in your sorrow,
Are you worried 'bout tomorrow,
Are the pressures of this life too hard to bear?
If you cast your cares on Him,
He'll give you perfect peace within.
Can you hear the Spirit calling "come away"?
Come away, come away, come and spend
Some time with Me, come away.
Come and spend some time with Me,
And My love will set you free.
Come and spend some time with Me, come away.

Don't you be in such a hurry,
'Cause it only leads to worry,
There's a time to work but
There's a time to pray.
Try to find a quiet place
To hear His voice and seek His face.

Can you hear the Spirit calling "come away"?
Come away, come away, come and spend
Some time with Me, come away.
Let your heart and mind be stilled,
Let your empty cup be filled.
Come and spend some time with Me, come away.

Are you sinking in your sorrow,
Are you worried 'bout tomorrow,
Are the pressures of this life too hard to bear?
If you cast your cares on Him,
He'll give you perfect peace within.
Can you hear the Spirit calling "come away"?

Come away, come away, come and spend
Some time with Me, come away.
Come and spend some time with Me,
And My love will set you free.
Come and spend some time with Me, come away.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Morris Chapman & Tom Coomes
© 1984 Coomesietunes/Word Music. All rights reserved.   
  • SDAH