He Is Lovely
"He is lovely, He is lovely,
Gave supremely, that all men may see."
"He is gentle, tenderhearted,
Risen Savior, He is God."
Master, Maker, Life Creator,
Come and dwell in me
That my heart may know your tender mercy.
Shine thru me that all may see
Your love so full and free;
And I'll declare your praise thru endless ages.

I can see that you love Jesus
First, it's plain to see, and that
You sit close and hear His heart beat.
For in your eyes I see shining
And I can hear them saying so sweetly:

"He is lovely, He is lovely,
Gave supremely, that all men may see."
"He is gentle, tenderhearted,
Risen Savior, He is God."

Master, Maker, Life Creator,
Come and dwell in me
That my heart may know your tender mercy.
Shine thru me that all may see
Your love so full and free;
And I'll declare your praise thru endless ages.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Bob Fitts
© 1986 C.A. Music. All rights reserved.   
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