For You Are Glorious
And we see Jesus, seated
At the right hand of the throne,
Making intercession for His own,
Upholding all things by His Word alone.
For You are glorious, shining victorious
O're pow'rs and principalities,
For You are glorious, shining victorious,
Disarming all Your enemies;
The rulers of this world beneath your feet
Are hurled as You reign our conquering King.

We see Jesus, for His suff'ring
Crowned with glory and with praise,
Tasting death for all men by God's grace,
Given pow'r to put all things in place;

And we see Jesus, seated
At the right hand of the throne,
Making intercession for His own,
Upholding all things by His Word alone.

For You are glorious, shining victorious
O're pow'rs and principalities,
For You are glorious, shining victorious,
Disarming all Your enemies;
The rulers of this world beneath your feet
Are hurled as You reign our conquering King.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   David Morris & Mike Massa
© 1988 Integrity's Hosanna! Music. All rights reserved.   
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