The Coloring Song
Blue is the color of a heart so cold
That will not bend when the story's told
Of the love of God for a sinful race,
Of the blood that flowed down Jesus' face
That can give us life, that can make us grow,
That can keep our hearts from growing cold.
Gold is the color of the morning sun
That shines so freely on everyone.
It's the sun of love that keeps us warm,
It's the sun of love that keeps us calms the storm,
That can give us life, that can make us grow,
That can turn our mornings into gold.
Brown is the color of the autumn leaves
When the winter comes to the barren trees.
There is birth, there is death,
There is a plan, and there's just one God,
And there's just one Man
That can give us life, that can make us grow,
That can make our sins as white as snow.

Red is the color of the blood that flowed down
The face of someone who loved us so.
He's the perfect man, He's the Lord's own son,
He's the Lamb of God, He's the only one,
That can give us life, that can make us grow,
That can make us love between us flow.

Blue is the color of a heart so cold
That will not bend when the story's told
Of the love of God for a sinful race,
Of the blood that flowed down Jesus' face
That can give us life, that can make us grow,
That can keep our hearts from growing cold.

Gold is the color of the morning sun
That shines so freely on everyone.
It's the sun of love that keeps us warm,
It's the sun of love that keeps us calms the storm,
That can give us life, that can make us grow,
That can turn our mornings into gold.

Brown is the color of the autumn leaves
When the winter comes to the barren trees.
There is birth, there is death,
There is a plan, and there's just one God,
And there's just one Man
That can give us life, that can make us grow,
That can make our sins as white as snow.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Dave Eden
© 1981 by Dawn Treader Music. All rights reserved.   
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