When I Remember
No, no, never, never, uh, uh, uh,
I'll never go back anymore, Hallelujah.
No, no, never, never, uh, uh, uh,
I'll never go back anymore.
When I remember that He rose again,
I'll never go back anymore, Hallelujah.
When I remember that He rose again,
I'll never go back anymore.
When I remember that He's coming soon,
I'll never go back anymore, Hallelujah.
When I remember that He's coming soon,
I'll never go back anymore

When I remember that He died for me,
I'll never go back anymore, Hallelujah.
When I remember that He died for me,
I'll never go back anymore.

No, no, never, never, uh, uh, uh,
I'll never go back anymore, Hallelujah.
No, no, never, never, uh, uh, uh,
I'll never go back anymore.

When I remember that He rose again,
I'll never go back anymore, Hallelujah.
When I remember that He rose again,
I'll never go back anymore.

When I remember that He's coming soon,
I'll never go back anymore, Hallelujah.
When I remember that He's coming soon,
I'll never go back anymore.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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