He Is
But He calms all the storms
And conquers the ragging seas.
He is the high and lofty
One who inhabits eternity,
Creator of the universe,
And He's cloth'd with majesty.
He is and evermore shall be.

He is fairer than the lily of the valley,
He is brighter than the morning star.
He is purer than the snow, fresher than breeze,
Lovelier by far than all of these.

But He calms all the storms
And conquers the ragging seas.
He is the high and lofty
One who inhabits eternity,
Creator of the universe,
And He's cloth'd with majesty.
He is and evermore shall be.

He is fairer than the lily of the valley,
He is brighter than the morning star.
He is purer than the snow, fresher than breeze,
Lovelier by far than all of these.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Chris Knauf
© 1984 Word Music. All rights reserved.   
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