The Sweetest Name of All
Jesus, how I love to praise your name.
Jesus, you're still the first, the last, the same.
Oh, Jesus, you died and took away my shame,
You're the sweetest, the sweetest name of all.
Jesus, you're the soon and coming King.
Jesus, we need the love that you can bring.
Oh, Jesus, we lift our voices up and sing,
You're the sweetest, the sweetest name of all

Jesus, you're the sweetest name of all.
Jesus, you always hear me when I call.
Oh, Jesus, you pick me up each time I fall,
You're the sweetest, the sweetest name of all.

Jesus, how I love to praise your name.
Jesus, you're still the first, the last, the same.
Oh, Jesus, you died and took away my shame,
You're the sweetest, the sweetest name of all.

Jesus, you're the soon and coming King.
Jesus, we need the love that you can bring.
Oh, Jesus, we lift our voices up and sing,
You're the sweetest, the sweetest name of all.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Tom Coomes
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