Think About His Love
How could I forget His love?
How could I forget His mercy?
He satisfies, He satisfies,
He satisfies my desires.
Even when I've strayed away
His love has sought me out and found me.
He satisfies, He satisfies,
He satisfies my desires.

Think about His Love,
Think about His goodness,
Think about His grace
That's brought us through.
For as high as the heavens above
So great is the measure of our Father's love.
Great is the measure of our Father's love.

How could I forget His love?
How could I forget His mercy?
He satisfies, He satisfies,
He satisfies my desires.

Even when I've strayed away
His love has sought me out and found me.
He satisfies, He satisfies,
He satisfies my desires.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Walt Harrah
© 1987 Integrity's Hosanna! Music. All rights reserved.   
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