Heavenly Father
Oh Heavenly Father, oh light of the world,
Oh Heavenly Father, oh light of the world.
By the sweet touch of your Spirit,
Make my heart ever true,
Take my life into your keeping,
'Til I come home to you.

Oh Heavenly Father, oh light of the world,
Oh Heavenly Father, oh light of the world.
I will seek you in the morning
And learn to walk in your ways,
Step by step go where you lead me,
And love you all of my days.

Oh Heavenly Father, oh light of the world,
Oh Heavenly Father, oh light of the world.
By the sweet touch of your Spirit,
Make my heart ever true,
Take my life into your keeping,
'Til I come home to you.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Billy Sprague & David Parks
© 1984 Meadowgreen Music Co. All rights reserved.   
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