Praise the Lord
Praise to the One who is high,
Above every nation; who has raised us
From the dust to reign with Him.
Praise to the One who is Lord
Above all creation;
Praise to the Lord, praise His name.
To the barran house he comes
To make of it a home;
Praise to the Lord, praise His name,
To the empty heart He calls,
Saying "Come and be My own;"
Praise the Lord, praise His name.

From the rising of the sun
Until it's going down;
Praise the Lord, praise His name.
Fill the morning with your joy,
Fill the evening with your song;
Praise the Lord, praise His name.

Praise to the One who is high,
Above every nation; who has raised us
From the dust to reign with Him.
Praise to the One who is Lord
Above all creation;
Praise to the Lord, praise His name.

To the barran house he comes
To make of it a home;
Praise to the Lord, praise His name,
To the empty heart He calls,
Saying "Come and be My own;"
Praise the Lord, praise His name.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Morris Chapman & Claire Clonninger
© 1986 Word Music. All rights reserved.   
  • SDAH