We Are His
We are His eyes t osee that need in others.
We are His voice to tell of His return,
And we are His love burning in the darkness.
We are His love shining in the night.

We are His hands to touch the world around us.
We are His feet to go where He may lead,
And we are His love burning in the darkness.
We are His love shining in the night.

We are His eyes t osee that need in others.
We are His voice to tell of His return,
And we are His love burning in the darkness.
We are His love shining in the night.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Jeff Wood
© 1986 by Jeff Wood. All rights reserved.   
  • SDAH