Hey, Mon
Hey, hey, mon, do you know my Lord?
Hey, hey, mon, do you know my Lord?
Tell the people from door to door,
Hey, mon, do you know my Lord?
Well, the big fat woman in the market place
She yell so lout she get red in the face,
She preach the gospel every day;
If you listen, you can hear her say.
The voodoo doctor he came to say
That his demons they want to play,
But the Christians they start to pray,
In Jesus' name they scare the demons away!

Hey, hey, mon, do you know my Lord?
Hey, hey, mon, do you know my Lord?
Tell the people from door to door,
Hey, mon, do you know my Lord?

Well, and all of the people in the islands play
In the sunshine everyday
But Jesus came to show the way
And teach His children how to pray.

Well, the big fat woman in the market place
She yell so lout she get red in the face,
She preach the gospel every day;
If you listen, you can hear her say.

The voodoo doctor he came to say
That his demons they want to play,
But the Christians they start to pray,
In Jesus' name they scare the demons away!

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Danny Taylor
© 1978 Paragon Music Corp.. All rights reserved.   
  • SDAH