Side by Side
Meet me in heaven, we'll join hands together; Meet me by the Savior's side.
I'll meet you in heaven, we'll sing songs together; Brothers and sisters, I'll be there!
Soldiers all are we to go where Jesus leads,
We'll fight in faith and we will overcome.
Heaven is our goal, and saving every soul;
Pray that we all will be there.
Praise the Lord we all will be there!

Side by side we stand awaiting God's command,
Worshiping the saving King.
Living by His grace and moving on in faith;
Jesus Himself will see us through.

Meet me in heaven, we'll join hands together;
Meet me by the Savior's side.
I'll meet you in heaven, we'll sing songs together;
Brothers and sisters, I'll be there!

Soldiers all are we to go where Jesus leads,
We'll fight in faith and we will overcome.
Heaven is our goal, and saving every soul;
Pray that we all will be there.

Praise the Lord we all will be there!

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Jeff Wood
© 1972 Sonlife Music Co. All rights reserved.   
Arr. by Paul Johnson   
  • SDAH