Lift Up Your Countenance
For the battle has been won
Thru the blood of God's won Son,
Who has walked from death to life;
And the gates of hell are torn
And the mighty Son's been born
Who gives life eternally, with victory
Lift up your countenance, all ye saints of God;
Lift up your countenance, for the victory is won;
Lift up your countenance, all ye saints of God,
And give the glory to the Holy One.

Lift up your countenance, all ye saints of God;
Lift up your countenance, for the victory is won;
Lift up your countenance, all ye saints of God,
And give the glory to the Holy One.

For the battle has been won
Thru the blood of God's won Son,
Who has walked from death to life;
And the gates of hell are torn
And the mighty Son's been born
Who gives life eternally, with victory

Lift up your countenance, all ye saints of God;
Lift up your countenance, for the victory is won;
Lift up your countenance, all ye saints of God,
And give the glory to the Holy One.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

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   Words and music by
   Richard Riley
© 1988 Integrity's Hosanna! Music. All rights reserved.   
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