Do, Lord
Do, Lord, O do, Lord,
O do remember me,
Do, Lord, O do, Lord,
O do remember me,
Do, Lord, O do, Lord,
O do remember me,
Way beyond the blue.
I took Jesus as my Savior,
You take Him too;
I took Jesus as my Savior,
You take Him too;
I took Jesus as my Savior,
You take Him too;
Way beyond the blue.

I've got a home in glory land
That outshines the sun,
I've got a home in glory land
That outshines the sun,
I've got a home in glory land
That outshines the sun,
Way beyond the blue.

Do, Lord, O do, Lord,
O do remember me,
Do, Lord, O do, Lord,
O do remember me,
Do, Lord, O do, Lord,
O do remember me,
Way beyond the blue.

I took Jesus as my Savior,
You take Him too;
I took Jesus as my Savior,
You take Him too;
I took Jesus as my Savior,
You take Him too;
Way beyond the blue.

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