Well the Lord, He thought He'd make a man
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
So He took a little water
And He took a little sand
Dem bones are gonna rise again!

I know it, know it indeed I know it,
Brother I know it, yeah!
Dem bones are gonna rise again!

Now Adam, he was terribly blue
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
Didn't know exactly what to do
Dem bones are gonna rise again! (chorus)

So the Lord take a rib from Adam's side
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
He made Miss Eve to be his bride
Dem bones are gonna rise again! (chorus)

God put them in a garden fair
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
Thought they'd be most happy there
Dem bones are gonna rise again! (chorus)

Apples, peaches, pears and such
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
But of this tree you must not touch
Dem bones are gonna rise again! (chorus)

Now Eve took a walk by the tree on day
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
And a serpent popped up in her way
Dem bones are gonna rise again! (chorus)

Eve, this fruit tastes mighty fine
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
Just take one, the Lord won't mind
Dem bones are gonna rise again! (chorus)

So Eve took a fruit and then took a bite
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
Then Adam gave that fruit a try
Dem bones are gonna rise again! (chorus)

Now Adam and Eve they tried to hide
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
But the Lord looked down and them He spied
Dem bones are gonna rise again! (chorus)

Now Adam, you must leave this place
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
And earn your livin' by the sweat of your face
Dem bones are gonna rise again! (chorus)

So Adam took a pick and them took a plow
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
And that's why we're all workin' now
Dem bones are gonna rise again!(chorus)

I know it, know it indeed I know it,
Dem bones are gonna rise again!
Brother I know it, yeah!
Dem bones are gonna rise again!

  • SDAH